Our clients and partners trust us to fabricate products with the highest levels of accuracy and quality, and just as they had envisaged in the design stages. However in projects with high-spec or bespoke requirements and safety issues in particular, such as cryogenics, medicine and oil and gas, further testing is often required after manufacture is complete.
Hyspex offers a range of testing types that are relevant to many industries, and can even manufacture test equipment to suit customer needs. We specialise in the following:
Pressure testing: This is safely carried out on parts and systems to 50 bar, with a full report supplied. Items can be tested at our facility or on site.
Cold testing: This can be carried out on a variety of systems. We have liquid nitrogen on site and can provide testing at −196°C. This can be used to shock test and determine the integrity of a system or simply to test a function of a product at a low temperature.

Helium leak detection: This is carried out using cutting-edge technology, at our facility or on site. Using a helium mass spectrometer, we can test individual components or complete assemblies either under pressure or under vacuum, and provide customers with full test certificates upon completion.
If it’s necessary to adapt components following a leakage test, to fix a leak or prove integrity, we have the capability to machine flanges and fittings in-house to suit even the most bespoke systems.
If you require bespoke testing to prove the integrity of your product or system, or you want to work with us to design, manufacture and test your components, get in touch for your free quote!
Helium leak detection: This is carried out using cutting-edge technology, at our facility or on site. Using a helium mass spectrometer, we can test individual components or complete assemblies either under pressure or under vacuum, and provide customers with full test certificates upon completion.
If it’s necessary to adapt components following a leakage test, to fix a leak or prove integrity, we have the capability to machine flanges and fittings in-house to suit even the most bespoke systems.
If you require bespoke testing to prove the integrity of your product or system, or you want to work with us to design, manufacture and test your components, get in touch for your free quote!

Hyspex Limited
Unit 4 Block B, Westpark, Chelston
Wellington, Somerset TA21 9FN

Hyspex Limited
Unit 4 Block B, Westpark, Chelston
Wellington, Somerset TA21 9FN